Aircon and HVAC System Maintenance in Fort Myers, Florida USA

17oct 2018
Aircon and HVAC System Maintenance in Fort Myers, Florida USA
Your air conditioner accumulates dust 24 hours a day. Not only when it is turned on but continuously as long as it is installed on your wall throughout the year.

Your air conditioner accumulates dust 24 hours a day. Not only when it is turned on but continuously as long as it is installed on your wall throughout the year. Depending on your environment, the effectiveness of your Air Conditioner will be affected by merely dust and dirt. Wind can blow dust and will be stuck in the machine and will definitely affect its function the longer it stays. Replacing a dirty and clogged air filter can reduce your energy consumption which is what we all deserve. The dirtier your air filter is, the more money you spend. Cleaning the AC means it costs less to run! Nobody would say no to extra savings. Taking care of your Air Conditioner or paying for preventative service and maintenance will save you money on your monthly bill and, in the long run, will ensure that your AC unit continues to work efficiently and effectively. It will also almost guarantee that your air conditioner will last longer that you can imagine.

Every place has its own extremes weather condition, that includes the temperatures in Fort Myers which is widely known to fluctuate quite extensively. Its highest recorded temperature was a 103 degrees in 1981. It simply means that the condition of your cooling system should be in top shape before you get yourself in a very inconvenient situation. It would be more than likely the last thing you want to have on your mind. To prevent this, it is always good idea to hire an AC and HVAC maintenance company in Fort Myers to inspect and do maintenance on your system before extreme weather condition like summer and winter. Experts and professionals can do things like inspect and clean the wiring and mechanisms of the unit, which is bit more challenging for the average homeowner.

It's been several decades since air conditioners have first provided a great service to all of us. Not only do they cool your home’s interior air and create a comfortable environment, but they also improve the air quality inside your house. It is only natural that we put importance to its efficiency, saves us money short and long term.

Eco Air provides the homes of Cape Coral, Fort Myers and all of Lee County, Florida with HVAC & air conditioning services that strive to save time and money for you, and lessen the burden on the environment. We are a family-owned and operated business, and specialize in improving air quality, prolonging the life of your equipment and doing a top quality job for a competitive price.

For HVAC and AC repairs, installations, and replacements in Cape Coral and Fort Myers, contact Eco Air and go green! Call us 239-288-2791. If you are looking for AC company in Fort Myers FL, and HVAC maintenance in Fort Myers. You can also visit our website


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Eco Air of Southwest Florida